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SHRED @shrednewz

🚨 CONFIRMED: USAID Sponsored Celebrity Visits to Ukraine—The Money Laundering Circus Exposed

• What Happened:
• USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) was caught funding celebrity visits to Ukraine.
• This proves what many already suspected—Ukraine wasn’t just a war zone, it was a PR stunt.
• American taxpayer dollars weren’t just going to “defend democracy”—they were bankrolling a Hollywood-backed propaganda campaign.

• The Positives:
• The scam is unraveling. More people are waking up to how their tax dollars are being laundered through Ukraine.
• This proves that every A-lister “supporting Ukraine” was just part of a staged operation. Nothing organic about it.
• Accountability is coming—people are finally questioning where all the billions actually went.

• The Concerns:
• How much money was wasted? How much of the aid to Ukraine actually helped, and how much lined the pockets of elites?
• This was never about helping Ukrainians—it was about propping up a narrative while D.C. funneled cash to their favorite foreign laundromat.
• Will there be consequences? Or will the media just memory-hole this scandal and pretend it never happened?

Shred’s Take:
“This wasn’t a war effort—it was a Hollywood PR campaign bankrolled by the U.S. taxpayer. The same elites who lecture you about “sacrifice” were flying into Ukraine for photo-ops, paid for with your money. This is corruption at the highest level, and every single person involved should be exposed.”

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