Profile photo for Gabriela Junqueira Balassiano
Gabriela Junqueira Balassiano

🚨🚨🚨Brazil's largest uranium reserve is now 100% owned by China!

China Nonferrous Trade Co. Ltda (CNT), a subsidiary of China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group Co., has purchased Brazil's largest uranium reserve in the Amazon, located in the Pitinga mine, in the Balbina hydroelectric plant region, in Presidente Figueiredo. The announcement was made on Monday, November 25.

The sale of the uranium reserve to China was closed in the early hours of Tuesday, November 26, to the Government of Amazonas by the mining company Taboca.

The two companies belong to the government of the People's Republic of China and the announcement has already been made on the stock exchanges of Beijing and Lima - Peru. The reserve, which is now Chinese property, leads to BR-174 and borders Venezuela and Guyana through the state of Roraima. Therefore, a deal from China to the Peruvians.

Uranium is a metal used in the war industry, in the manufacture of atomic and hydrogen bombs. When enriched, it also serves as fuel in nuclear power plants to generate energy. In Brazil, 99% of uranium is used for this purpose. Lula did not sign the agreement to join Beijing's imperialist project - the Silk Road - so why sign this agreement if Brazil already belongs to China, right? The Silk Road is being built without needing to be formalized. And it doesn't stop there. During the Chinese emperor's visit to Brazil, Lula highlighted the "Chinese interest in the Tropical Forests Forever Fund, proposed by Brazil to pay for the preservation of these biomes", confirming "that there are effective alternatives to finance sustainable development" and protect the Amazon. Lula is handing over all of our biodiversity, territories, fauna, flora, minerals and our sovereignty to the Chinese - this is extremely serious!
