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KS Mundtod

If a Muslim casts 1 vote, it will be counted as 2 votes. Such was the demand of the Sachhar Commission.*

> *What was the Sachhar Commission…? Which was brought by the Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh government in 2005.*

The commission named *"Sachar Commission"* was formed at the behest of Sonia Gandhi whose job was to assess the economic condition of Muslims in India.

In clear words, Congress had formed the "Sachar Commission" to make India's existence Talibani.

"Sachar Commission" prepared a fabricated report at the behest of Sonia Gandhi and presented the lie to the country that the condition of Muslims in India is worse than Dalits and tribals.

Now the "Sachar Commission" suggested 10 ways to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to improve the condition of Muslims and demanded to implement it in India as soon as possible.

*Those 10 big demands were as follows:*

*(1)* Muslims should get double the rights as per their population in India, i.e. if a Muslim casts 1 vote, it should be counted as 2 votes.

*(2)* Muslims should get full benefits of OBC reservation as well as reservation for SC/ST.

*(3)* If a Muslim takes a loan from any bank, half of the loan should be paid by the Central and State Governments together and 20% of the total budget of India should be taken out for Muslims and the entire country should be run with the remaining budget.

*(4)* Muslims should be provided free education under the Ministry of Minority Affairs for all types of graduation studies including IIT/IIM and MBBS.

*(5)* The Education Ministry of India should also recognize the Madrasa degree of Muslims for becoming IAS/IPS/PCS and Judge.

*(6)* 30% of the seats of MPs in India and 40% of the seats of MLAs in every state should be reserved for Muslims.

*(7)* Every state government in India should increase the share of Muslims in boards, corporations and government jobs to 50%.

*(8)* There should be separate industrial zones in every state for Muslims to do business and they should get free electricity and free land along with debt-free loans.

*(9)* The central government should provide Rs. 5 lakhs and the state government Rs. 2 lakhs for the marriage of Muslim girls and the government should provide a grant of Rs. 10 lakhs for self-employment of Muslim boys.

*(10)* Any village, town, city or district in which the Muslim population is more than 25% should be reserved only for Muslims to contest elections.

*👆 You will easily find all this information about "Sachar Commission" on Google and Youtube.*

After strong opposition from BJP, Congress could not implement "Sachar Commission" otherwise 2 votes of Muslims would have been counted more than 1 vote of Hindus and the politics of India and the resources of the whole country would have gone in the control of Muslims. By the way, at present, 56% of the resources of India have been captured by Muslims.
