Profile photo for not R.Bowman
not R.Bowman @bow_knows_nothing

Test results show Girl Scout Cookies are extremely toxic, ALL OF THEM!!!! As in 100% of their cookies produced are literally POISON!!!??!!!!

Joe Rogan said, “They’re f*cking toxic as f*ck”!!

- 100% of Girl Scout cookies contained glyphosate, controversial herbicide in Roundup
- 88% contain toxic metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury.
- Key finding Thin Mints had the highest glyphosate levels, levels at 111.07 PPB. This is 334 TIMES what experts say is harmful.
- Peanut Butter Patties had the highest heavy metal contamination with lead reaching 42.5 PPB and aluminum at 27,500 PPB.
- 76% of cookies tested exceeded cadmium safety limits.
- 96% contained lead.

Guess I'm done buying Girl Scout Cookies unless it's a strain in a Dispo... son of a bitch, everything is poison coated in sugar. Wow that sucks!!!
