STRIKES, STRIKES and more STRIKES, for well over a year.
While NSW flounders under TRAIN, BUS and TRAM UNION action which has delayed or seriously impaired travel on our RAIL.
But still waiting in the WINGS are the NUSES AND HOSPITAL UNION, demanding a wage Increase.
in fact, each year of the last two years there has been a 15% increase PAID to cover rents and costs of living expenses, but they want more.
Their aim is to wait patiently until the Rail, Bus and Tram Union have run their course, then the next public service department will be the HOSPITALS again.
Even with a State LABOR govt. in office in NSW, the budget will not sustain any further increases in GOVT. CHARGES to the rate payers.
The ALBANESE Federal govt. has sanctioned union strikes prior to this election to gather strength in the JOB's market to lower employment figures, by providing and giving security around those with mortgages, unfortunately the bubble will burst if there is a change in govt.
People are scared and FEAR drives LABOR's POLICIES and MANTRA, higher wages bring higher taxes, bringing in more Federal revenue and higher prices at the check-out and services, it is an endless circle, 'costs of living expenses' have driven fixed income earners to the wall, it is a choice whether to let the rent slide and eat, or go without in silence, pensioners are the hardest hit with good reason they are the least likely to vote LABOR, and while white-collar workers enjoy the benefits and handouts from false policies, bad decisions with UNI degrees to NO WARE.
Wage structures are about face, a bureaucrat is paid half a million is salary per annum to make decisions on WHAT, yet the TRADIE that designs and builds the homes we desperately NEED are paid $100,000 per year only while they work, so we can place a 'well paid FOOL' in an office to make govt. decisions, yet competitive prices will place a home builder on struggle street, allowing competition to drive their incomes, and this is WHY no NEW homes have been built for 'Low Income Earners' in the last 3 years of this LABOR Federal govt. nor will they ever, overheads and State govt. charges prevent it, they still demand their $60,000 for each and every home built for its POWER, WATER, SEWERAGE and DRAINAGE to be added to the GRID.
It is a race to the bottom, offering low of NO deposit LOANS using youngster's Super earnings and savings, while paying off TAFE and HECS loans for their studies, "what rubbish is this", promising TAFE FREE DEBTS if you live away from home and grants that incur a 50% tax after the first year. 'Promise the WORLD, give them nothing and keep them POOR'.
The highest paid should be the TRADIE, the HOME BUILDER if you want homes to be built, but if you want good unemployment figures then give the public well paid govt. jobs to do nothing, while still there are no new homes built for low-income earners until the balance is reset!
We have to decide whether this NATION can afford 3 more years of LABOR, even the GREENS refuse to back their POLICY using SUPER as DEPOSIT on a home loan.