Profile photo for Kate Tietje
Kate Tietje

If you're worried about all the measles news...don't be.

Measles, for most people, is a mild illness. It starts with flu-like symptoms (fatigue, fever) and then the rash starts. It begins at the top of the head and goes down the body, then disappears in the same way after a few days.

Yes, it's uncomfortable for a few days. But complications are rare. Most of the time, complications occur in people with multiple underlying conditions, immune dysfunction, or vitamin A deficiency (as well as general malnutrition).

(This was the case with the child who died in TX. The child was in the hospital with flu and RSV and contracted measles while at the hospital and it wasn't the actual cause of death.)

The media will scare you by telling you the worst-case scenarios. They will tell you that many people are getting hospitalized, even though most of those people are being hospitalized for monitoring/quarantine, not because they're that sick. They will tell you that most of the sick are unvaccinated - even though they lump in partially vaccinated and 'unknown' status in that group. They will not tell you if the person had comorbidities.

If you're worried, first of all - don't be. If your child is healthy, this is like any other illness.

If you want to be prepared, get some cod liver oil for a natural source of vitamin A. Get some calendula (whole flowers or salve) to put on the rash to help with itchiness.

It will all be okay. Truly.

Finally, STOP looking at the media! All they do is share propaganda and push fear.
