Profile photo for Tana Rocs Love Lindley
Tana Rocs Love Lindley

Video Credir: fijivVillage

CCTV footage from inside a car repair garage has captured the moment a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck Vanuatu's capital just after midday.

The US Geological Survey said the quake struck at a depth of 43 kilometres, 30 kilometres west of Port Vila.

Footage posted online shows cars crushed under collapsed concrete pillars and significant damage to buildings including the United States Embassy in Port Vila.

The U.S. Tsunami Warning System cancelled an initial tsunami warning for Vanuatu.

#10newsfirst #vanuatu #portvila #earthquake


There is a silent war being waged against us.

Understand And Wake Up To The Silent War Being Waged Against You 🧐crimes against humanity 😇

Just another compilation video of the genocide taking place in our skies on a daily basis, worldwide.

Crimes against humanity.

Geoengineering, the deliberate modification of Earth's climate, often involves the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight.

The most commonly proposed substances for such activities include sulfur dioxide, aluminum oxide, and barium. Sulfur dioxide, when dispersed, forms sulfate aerosols that can reflect solar radiation.

Aluminum oxide and barium are also considered for the controversial due to potential environmental ver health risks.
Several articles discuss these practices and their implications.

For instance, a paper published in the journal "Nature Climate Change" highlights the potential effectiveness and risks of stratospheric sulfate aerosols.

Another article in

"Environmental Research Letters"
examines the environmental impacts of aluminum and barium particles.
To counteract these effects, cycling on and off detoxing protocols is crucial.

Fulvic acid removes heavy metals from the blood and brain. Liquid glutathione helps remove graphene and stops magnetism of G.O.

article PMID: 34167721. Fulvic acid effectively removes heavy metals from the blood and brain, supported by findings in PMID: 26706929.
according to PMID:

31951182. These substances play critical roles in detoxification, helping to mitigate the health risks associated with environmental and technological contaminants.


#warcriminals #geoengineering #solarradiationmanagement #stratosphereaerosolinjection #haarp

It's hard to understand when we see it, it's hard to accept that we've been deceived, and that they've been controlling us for thousands of years. The awakening is near.

Always pumping the sky with the brain numbing.. chemicals

Good'ol climate change Remember
weather modification is a silly conspiracy theory!

If Chemtrails was a conspiracy theory then why did Tennessee outlaw in their legislation ? beginning July 1

The Republican-sponsored bill passed along party lines on Monday. If it is signed by Tennessee's governor, Republican Bill Lee, it will go into effect on 1 July.

The bill's backers were spurred on by a government report released last year on solar geoengineering, which is the idea of cooling the planet by reflecting sunlight back into space. The White House, though, has said that there are no plans "to establish a comprehensive research programme focused on solar radiation modification."

The climate is engineered !

Those who Can Control Nature, Controls all of humanity.

#weathermodification #cloudseeding #chemtrails #climatechange

The devastation from weather’s aftermath on civilization..

Do you really think all these storms are natural and are naturally occurring?

Can you imagine finding out all the truth that has been HIDDEN from you forever?

Research 🧐. #HAARP

Those who have woken up from this great deception have made a significant change in their lives, knowing the truth has made nothing the same again.

🆘…. Here’s what’s happening around the world. 🌎 weather wise

I quite frequently discussed the weather.

It’s because I grew up in Florida and the weather played an important role in my life.. oddly, enough I am shadow band on TikTok and Instagram because I discuss the weather.


Now , ask yourself why would I be shadowband by merely discussing the weather, if they didn’t have anything to hide?
I am trying to get the masses of pay to wake up, because the world wide flooding that is currently affecting most of the populated world, is far from being normal and this is because it is happening by design, purposely with weather modification.


This is an attack on all human beings.
It's not climate change….

it's. called project HAARP. Everything is rigged 😡
Weaponing the weather worldwide..


.. Ever Wondered what is behind all the recent destructive weather Anomalies?

- #Boom
#DontWorry. They have a plan ..
all of the cities 🌆 and cars 🚙 that are being destroyed and demolished off the-map’s, around the world 🌍 from
Geoengineering will be replaced with smart cities.

What a way to get rid of everyone’s homes, cities infrastructure, and cars all at once, without even being detected.
#weathermodification #geoengineering #haarp
#chemtrailsworldwide #climateengineering
