Profile photo for Rich Penkoski
Rich Penkoski

The school shooter in Madison Wisconsin Christian School shooting has been identified as a female identifying as a male.

How did anyone miss the huge red flags on her X profile?

She has a picture of a burning church on her cover photo and take a look at these videos from her profile.

Another trans person shooting a school, how many is it now?

The they/thems and their friends will gaslight and blame everyone else for their violence claiming that it's all of our fault they/them he/she did this behave we refuse to deny biology and refuse to capitaluate to their illness.

Maybe, just maybe we should stop giving people synthetic hormones (especially children and teens)

#transgender #trans #MadisonWi #MadisonWisconsin #lgbt #theythem #abundantlifechristian

Jim Gilles Zim Moon Sheila Jablonski Amanda Penkoski Grisham Lois Tracy Greg Coleman Matthew Ezell Brielle Penkoski Aaron D. Guidry Kevin Deegan
